9 min read

Millionaire Mind Intensive (MMI) Seminar: 5 Mindset Lessons That Apply To Property

I reflect on the lessons I learnt during the MMI seminar and how it connects to the Singapore property market.
Millionaire Mind Intensive (MMI) Seminar: 5 Mindset Lessons That Apply To Property

A few months ago, I spent the "2023 Presidential Election" weekend to attend the 3-Day Millionaire Mind Intensive (MMI) conducted by Success Resources.

I been hearing many things about it so I thought it would be a good idea to attend it for myself.

I paid a "whopping" $42.12 😆 for a ticket to make sure I committed myself to attend.

You can get a complimentary ticket but paying for one provides some additional bonuses

When money is involved, we tend to focus on the task at hand and it becomes difficult to write off or ignore - because we already sunk some dollars into it.

(You can get complimentary access to the MMI seminar. But I wanted to avoid the hassle of queuing and paying for a ticket allowed me better seats and priority admission.)

Especially so with the election date announced - now I really had to wonder whether the free weekend holiday we got should be "wasted" on attending a seminar.

But a commitment is a commitment.

I did my voting duty in the morning and sped off to the seminar venue for 3-days of mindset training.

Voted in the morning of PE 2023

Here are 5 mindset lessons I picked up over that weekend and how it applies to property.

#1: What You Focus on Expands

Your most valuable asset isn’t your time, it’s your attention.

For me, I've been considering property as a wealth creation vehicle for a very long time.

Before I became a real estate agent, I met people who did very well with property investment.

They made smart property choices and went through certain transactions that helped them secure their first pot of gold.

A pot of gold that is as large as several years' worth of income.

But I also knew that to be able to execute such decisions will require an investment of time to acquire the necessary knowledge.

And that's why I took up the challenge of securing my RES license and attending various courses to expand my knowledge and skillset - even when I was still working a regular full-time job.

I began tracking the property market in real-time and learnt that it can move faster than the stock market under the right conditions.

That singular focus on property has allowed me to provide valuable market updates and useful opinions to my clients who have put their trust in me.

Some of the enquiries I received

Similarly, if you put your energies towards understanding property investments - you will eventually benefit from the returns.

A man with time and distractions will always lose to the man with a deadline and singular focus.

“Where attention goes, energy flows and results show.”

The MMI Jars System

#2: Become A Better "Receiver"

When I heard of this principle about how important it was to become a better receiver, I was reminded about how we can be conditioned from young to feel "normal" to reject gifts.

For example, I remembered when my parents told me to be careful when we receive gifts from people whom we are not close to.

They said it makes us feel a sense of obligation to them and we must return the gesture in one way of another.

So in order to not have any obligation to others - we must not receive any gifts.

But as I grow older, I realized there is a reason why givers give their presents. It is because they want to feel good.

And when we reject such gifts - it is akin to preventing the givers from feeling good.

But that is not the worst thing.

The worst thing is that this feeling of "rejecting gifts because we don't want to feel obligated" - means we are subconsciously rejecting other gifts that might come to us.

With Robert Raymond Riopel - the lead trainer for MMI

For example - rejecting that job promotion for fear of becoming obligated to our employer.

Rejecting that option to upskill our knowledge for fear that we might fail the exams.

These feelings can flow down all the way to feeling "unworthy".

I seen this how this feeling of "unworthiness" becomes a story in someone's mind especially when I meet certain homeowners.

They totally reject the idea of upgrading to private property because they feel "unworthy" and believe their destiny is to stay in HDB all their lives.

This is despite the fact that they are in a very comfortable financial position and can easily afford to make the move.

One of the memorable quotes from the seminar was this:

“If a hundred-foot oak tree had the mind of a human, it would only grow to be ten feet tall!”

So how do we stop worrying about feeling "unworthy"?

The idea is simple.

Change how we define our sense of "worthiness" by changing our story to a more supportive one.

Rich people work hard and believe it’s perfectly appropriate to be well rewarded for their efforts and the value they provide for others.

Poor people work hard, but due to their feelings of unworthiness, they believe that it is inappropriate for them to be well rewarded for their efforts and the value they provide.

This wristband serves as a daily visual reminder to apply the MMI principles

That's why it is so important to have beliefs that can support us towards the direction that we want to go to.

#3: Taking Action In Spite of Fear

During the program, participants were introduced to the concept of "inner world" vs the "outer world".

Our thoughts and feelings are part of our inner world.

While our results are part of our outer world.

Usually - our inner world reflects our outer world.

“If things aren’t going well in your outer life, it’s because things aren’t going well in your inner life.”

In a highly-educated society like Singapore, I think we fall into the trap where we believe we have lots of knowledge and that is a source of confidence for us.

However, I also seen a gap between the internal knowledge vs the outer results.

For example, it is common to meet people who seem to have so much knowledge on investments and yet when you ask them what investments they have done for themselves - they admit they have done nothing yet.

To me, it is like having lots of theory knowledge but with almost zero practical experience.

So the only way to bridge that gap between our knowledge and results? It is by taking action.

So if action is so important, what prevents us from taking the actions we know we need to take?

It is fear.

Fear, doubt and worries are the biggest obstacles to achieving not just success but happiness as well.

The release form we had to sign before doing the Arrowbreak Exercise

The biggest mistake most people make is waiting for the feeling of fear to subside or disappear before they are willing to act. However, this means these people usually wait forever.

The good news is that we don't have to get rid of fear in order in order to succeed.

Even the wealthy and successful have their own worries.

In spite of this - the difference is that they don’t let these feelings stop them.

But unsuccessful people will usually allow these fears, doubts, and worries be a reason for them to pull the brakes.

#4: Getting Rich Is Not Always Convenient Nor Comfortable

My family and I were comfortable staying at our 5-room HDB flat back in the past.

But at our age, we also realized that comfort is not something we should seek.

And that's why we made the various property moves which you can read about here.

“If you are willing to do only what’s easy, life will be hard. But if you are willing to do what’s hard, life will be easy.”

This was the regular reminder I got during the program.

In order to achieve the life of our dreams, we need to take steps towards it.

The universe will then test you to see if you are willing to fight for it.

For example, I have heard several reasons why some people refuse to attend a 3-day weekend seminar that is designed to help them.

  • "Oh, I have to use up my leave to attend on Fridays."
  • "My weekend will be burnt. I only have so many weekends."
  • "The location is so far away."

I think that if we allow small logistical issues to stop ourselves from something that is good for us...

What makes us think it is possible for us to achieve even bigger goals like financial freedom?

When I did the Arrowbreak Exercise during the program - I paid attention to the emotions and questions that started to surface in my mind.

I felt the discomfort, some level of fear and various "what ifs?" appearing.

It felt very similar to how I felt before I made the decision for my property choices.

Packing up our lives in boxes, shifting houses, moving to a rental unit - it was hardly convenient nor was it easy to do.

But that was a discomfort we braved through.

Can you believe that I broke this arrow with the soft part of my neck?

The trick to completing the Arrowbreak Exercise safely?

No hesitation.

No half-hearted efforts.

Commit to stepping forward into the arrow 100%.

And I found out it was actually easier than I thought possible.

#5: Our Minds Can Be The Greatest Soap Opera Writer In History

Here is an extract from the book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind":

“Your mind is the greatest soap-opera scriptwriter in history. It makes up incredible stories, usually based in dramas and disasters, of things that never happened and probably never will.
Mark Twain said it best: “I’ve had thousands of problems in my life, most of which never actually happened.”
One of the most important things you can ever understand is that you are not your mind. You are much bigger and greater than your mind alone.
Your mind is a part of you just as your hand is a part of you.
Here’s a thought-provoking question: What if you had a hand that was just like your mind? It was scattered all over the place, it was always beating you up, and it never shut up.
What would you do with it? Most people answer something like “Cut it off !” But your hand is a powerful tool, so why would you cut it off?
The real answer of course is you’d want to control it, manage it, and train it to work for you instead of against you."

I think we sometimes we let our minds and fears dictate the way we live our lives.

I have heard all the various worst-case scenarios when I meet some homeowners when we discuss their property options.

  • What if I lose my job?
  • What if I have horrible neighbors?
  • What if I fall sick and can't work anymore?
  • What if the property market crashes?

It is one thing to help you calculate your financial strengths in the event of worst-case scenarios.

But it is a whole other thing when you become too fixated on scenarios that have a very low probability of happening.

That being said - I am not saying that your fears are invalid or just a figment of your imagination.

But if we are able to manage our minds and break away from self-defeating mental habits?

The mind can become a rocket that power ourselves towards our goals.

Instead of being a burden that holds us back.

"Training and managing your own mind is the most important skill you could ever own, in terms of both happiness and success.”
MMI Declarations Card

Conclusion - Our Lives Is Not Just About Us

A part of me sometimes just want to retreat from the outside world.

It feels easier to not just do anything and subject myself to life's challenges.

But I think it is also not quite right to live that way.

It means I am already dead before I am even buried.

My life is not just about me. I have a wife and 2 kids.

I think often about what type of role model I can be for them.

What good examples I can set for my young sons?

Feedback I received on my articles

Here are some facts of life:

  • We just can’t help but bring our feelings into nearly every decision.
  • But if we’re going to grow rich, we’ll need to master our emotions.
  • These are emotional times. Markets rise and fall.
  • And we will sometimes doubt ourselves because we are only human.

But this MMI program also equipped me with powerful reminders that I have the natural ability to cancel any thoughts that are not supporting me.

In any case, it is important to recognize that I am still a work in progress and still learning from others.

If you are looking to improve your own mindset towards wealth and value creation - this MMI program is a great starting point.

Have questions on your own property choices in Singapore?

Feel free to drop me a WhatsApp message with your queries.

There is absolutely no-obligation to engage me.
